A-PDf Watermark Command Line
A-PDF Watermark Command line (PWMCMD) is a Windows console utility that applies the pre-made watermarks to the PDF file. The watermarks can be created and edited by A-PDF Watermark (GUI). The PWMCMD is included in the download package already. You can find it at the installation directory, generally, it is located in C:\program files\A-PDF Watermark.
PWMCMD <Input File> [-S<Password>] <Watermarks> [-O<Output File Name>] OR PWMCMD -List Parameters: Input File: Source PDF file. -S: Password of source PDF file if application. Watermarks: A list of watermark name. All watermark can be list using the -List command. -O: Output PDF file, if it is not specified, the output file will be same as the input file. Example: PWMCMD c:\pdfs\doc.pdf "Text - FINAL" PWMCMD c:\pdfs\doc.pdf "FINAL" "Com Logo" -O"c:\pdfs\out.pdf" -List: List all watermark currently. Return code: 0: Success 2: Input file does not exist 3: Load input file failed 4: Output file path not exists 5: Some watermark not found 6: No watermark list 7: Create output file failed 8: Load watermark list failed
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