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Can I make right to left flipbook like Arabic book?

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I have some PDF documents are in Arabic. These PDFs should be read from right to left. Flipbook is always read from Left to right, for adapting to the common reading habits. How can I make Arabic digital ebook which can be read from right to left?


A-PDF FlipBook Maker provides the effect: Right To Left. Apply this effect then you can view the flipbook from right to left, easily and directly.

Let us view the below steps to make right to left flipbook with A-PDF FlipBook Maker:

Step1: Download and install program: A-PDF Flip Book Maker (free download here)

Step2: Directly run on it and open a new project

Step3: Import PDF document, choose template & theme, show or hide toolbar buttons

Step4: Choose "Yes" option in "Flash Display Settings->Right To Left" panel

Can I make right to left flipbook like Arabic book

Step5: After clicking "Apply Change", you can read flipbook from right to left

Can I make right to left flipbook like Arabic book

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