Detecting Wide Pages in Original PDF in Importation of Flipbook Conversion
It is known to most people that there are some different sizes of pages in some PDF, so in the conversion of page turning flipbook may have the showing problems. How can the flipbook be more perfect even its original PDF are based on different
page sizes?
If you have ever used A-PDF flip software, you may find there are some options in the importation interface. For example, enable search, import link, import bookmark and detect wide page, etc.
All options in A-PDF FlipBOOK Maker are designed for users' conveniences.
For the PDF with wide pages importation:
You can choose the options of detect wide pages in the advanced settings;
With detecting wide pages selected:
Flipbook without detecting wide pages of PDF:
With detecting wide pages from original PDF, the flipbook can be much clearer.
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- A-PDF To Image - Batch convert PDF files to Image formats, such as TIFF, JPEG, BMP and so on.
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