Help Page for A-PDF N-up Page
Have problems while using A-PDF N-up Page?
If you want to print two pages of PDF files side-by-side on each sheet of paper, A-PDF N-up Page will help you to arrange 2 or 4 pages on a single sheet in PDF documents.
This page is for people with technical questions about the A-PDF N-up Page.
If you haven't downloaded a version of A-PDF N-up Page (PDF imposition) yet, you can click here to free download the newest trial version right now.
Horizontally/ Vertically 2-up Pages: If you want to put two pages horizontally or vertically into one sheet, you can read the tutorial explaining how to horizontally or vertically 2-up pages
Set Gutter/ Margin: If you want to set gutter between imposed pages, or set margin in new sheets, you can read the tutorial explaining how to set gutter or margin while N-up PDF pages
Define Page Range for N-up: If you don't want to N-up all pages in PDF files, you can set a page range for imposing, the tutorial explaining how to define page within PDF documents for N-up
Rotate Pages: Sometimes, you need to rotate some odd or even pages while using N-up tool to create brochures, the tutorial explaining how to rotate odd or even pages while creating brochures
Batch N-up PDF files: If you have multiple PDF documents to be imposed, you can batch N-up those files at the same time, the tutorial explaining how to impose multiple PDF documents simultaneously
File List: File list is a convenient function for saving frequently used PDF files, and you can export and import PDF files to the list for later use, the tutorial explaining how to create and use file list in A-PDF N-up Page
N-up Mode: If you're having trouble choosing a N-up Mode from "A/B", "A/B(Duplex Mode)" and "Split", the tutorial explaining the effect of above modes
Related products
- A-PDF Merger - Combine two or more image files or Acrobat PDF files into a single PDF document
- A-PDF Split - Split any Acrobat PDF file into separate pdf files base on page, bookmark and more
- A-PDF Size Splitter - Split any Acrobat PDF file or group of files into smaller-sized pdf files
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