How to arrange specific PDF pages in one PDF page with A-PDF N-up Page?
I want to combine 4 PDF pages into one page and I want the first 4 odd pages (of source PDF file) to be Page 1 (new PDF file) and the first 4 even pages as Page 2. How can I make it possible with A-PDF N-up Page?
A-PDF N-up Page is professional N-up page software that can help you combine 2 or 4 PDF pages into one page in different modes:
A/B: Combine the first 2/4 pages the first page of the new PDF, and then the next 2/4 pages as the second page, etc.
A/C: Combine every 2/4 odd pages as odd page, every 2/4 even pages as even page.
Split: Combine the first page/first 2 pages and the first page/first 2 pages from middle as the first page of the new PDF.
First-Last: Combine the first page/first 2 pages and the last page/last 2 pages as the first page of the new PDF.
And you can follow the below steps to arrange specific pages into one page:
Step 1: Add PDF Documents
Click "Add File" or "Add Folder" to add PDF files into the software.
Step 2: Select N-up Page Mode
You can select to use 2-up or 4-up mode and then select how the pages are to be combined: A/B, A/C, Split or First-Last.
Step 3: Start N-Up Page
Click "N-Up Page…" to combine PDF pages in selected method.
Related products
- A-PDF Merger - Combine two or more image files or Acrobat PDF files into a single PDF document
- A-PDF Page Cut - break PDF document Pages into smaller pages
- A-PDF Page Master - Manage and organize PDF document pages, including edit, arrange, merge, extract etc.
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