How to insert new page to PDF with A-PDF Page Master?
It’s my pleasure.As a matter of fact, it is easy to find a program that meets your requirement. A-PDF Page Master is your best choice. It is designed to help you modify and organize the PDF pages. You are not only allowed to insert new pages, but also allowed to handle other organization, such as copy, paste, resize and assemble pages. Moreover, it is easy to use and allows batch process. Also, just as you required, it is a standalone program.
Now, I will show you the process of inserting new pages step by step. Step 1: open PDF files;
Step 2: insert a new page. You can make your own decision of how many pages you want to insert and the position and size of the inserted pages;
Step 3: Click “OK” and the new page is added as below;
Step 4: save the change.
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