How to remove blank spaces or part of a PDF file name?
- Start the program, click "File->Add PDF Document" or "File->Add Folder" to add PDFs to the file list;
- Choose "Advanced" Rename Method, then input script in box, use the "abc def ghij" as example:
A. Delete blank spaces, use below script:
newFilename := AnsiReplaceStr(Filename, ' ', '');
End.B. Delete part " def", use script below:
p :Integer;
p := Pos('' def '', Filename);
if p > 0 then
newFilename := LeftStr(Filename, p - 1) + RightStr(Filename, Pos(ReverseString('' def ''), ReverseString(Filename)) - 1);
End.; - Run the script and preview the effect of renaming in the list, then click "Rename" button to rename all listed files.
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- A-PDF Preview and Rename - Preview PDF content easily, rename PDF based on content you previewed.
- A-PDF Preview and Move - Preview content for multiple PDF files, then OCR page content to rename and define dest folder to move.
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