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How to set properties for PDF files which contain split characters in names?

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I am trying out A-PDF Rename to batch-process a large number of files from our book library, the current filename format is "Author name and surname - Book title.pdf". The file properties I am aiming to are: [filename] = [filename], [metadata Title] = the filename part AFTER the "-", [metadata Author] = the filename part BEFORE the "-". How can I write script to get the properties changed correctly?


While adding properties with A-PDF Rename(free download here), you can use below script to get the properties changed correctly based on your request:

p :Integer;
p := Pos(ReverseString('-'), ReverseString(Filename));
if p > 0 then
newtitle := RightStr(Filename, p - 1);
p := Pos('-', Filename);
if p > 0 then
newauthor := LeftStr(Filename, p - 1);

After inputting, click "Run" and you will get result previewed in the program, as below image shows:

a-pdf rename ignore colons

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