A-PDF INFO Changer Command Line
A-PDF INFO Changer Command Line(APICCMD.exe) is a windows console utilty for showing and changing properties of PDF files, includes Author, Title, Subject, Keywords, Custom properties etc. APICCMD.exe is a standalone program, does *NOT* need Adobe Acrobat. A trial version for A-PDF INFO Changer Command Line is NOT available, but you can download the GUI version for free.
APICCMD <File name> [-Aauthor] [-Ttitle] [-Ssubject] [-Kkeywords] [-Ccreator] [-Gproducer] [-U"Name 1"="Value 1" [-U"Name 2"="Value 2"]] [-P<setting>][-OOutput file] [-Q] [-V] -Aauthor Specifies the author to change -Ttilte Specifies the title to change -SSubject Specifies the subject to change -Kkeywords Specifies the keyword to change -Ccreator Specifies the creator to change -Gproducer Specifies the producer to change -U"name"="Value" Specifies custom field, if value is null, the property will be deleted -P<setting> Option for viewer preferences. The <setting> is a quote string, an example is: "OPENSHOW=bookmark,OPENPAGE=5". setting syntax: KEY=VALUE, every setting split by comma. Available keys: OPENSHOW: Which panes and tabs are displayed in the application window by default. Available values are Page,Bookmark,Thumbnail. Default is: Page. ZOOM: Sets the zoom level the document will appear at when opened. The value range is -1,-2 and 1 to 1600. -1 means fit window -2 means fit width other value means percent. 100 means 100%, actual size. OPENPAGE: Sets the page that the document opens at. Default is 1. WINDOWRESIZE: Adjusts the document window to fit snugly around the opening page. Values are: Y,N WINDOWCENTER: Positions the window in the center of the screen area. Values are: Y,N WINDOWFULLSCREEN: Maximizes the document window and displays the document without the menu bar, toolbar or window controls. Values are: Y,N HIDEMENU: Hides the menu of interface. Values are: Y,N HIDETOOLBAR: Hides the toolbar of interface. Values are: Y,N HIDEWINDOWCONTROLS: Hides the window controls of interface. Values are: Y,N -OOutput file Output the information into oupput file -Q Quiet, no output showes in screen -V Output the information to CSV format Examples: Show the informations only: APICCMD c:\pdfs\example.pdf Clear the informations of keywords: APICCMD c:\pdfs\example.pdf -K Set title and author for PDF file: APICCMD c:\pdfs\example.pdf -A"[email protected]" -T"The great tool" Set open page for PDF file: APICCMD c:\pdfs\example.pdf -P"OPENPAGE=3" Return Code: 0: End successfully. 1: Parameter error. 2: File open error. 3: File Save error. 4: Output information error. 9: Unknown exception.
See also
- A-PDF INFO Changer
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