A-PDF Merger Tips
A-PDF Merger is so versatile and feature-packed that it’s the equivalent of a Swiss Army knife for PDFs! Following are a
few short tips on how to use some of the A-PDF Merger application features.
Convert Images to a PDF file using A-PDF Merger
Not only can A-PDF merger produce merged pdf files, it can also merge images into a pdf file. The supported image formats are: TIF/TIFF, BMP, JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF, WMF and EMF. Creating a pdf document from your images is as simple as:
1. Click the menu "Add" button and add the image files you want from the popped up window.
2. Click the menu "Merge" button and enter the output file name, such as IMAGES.PDF, then click ‘Save’.
Add/remove security settings for a PDF file using A-PDF Merger
A-PDF Merger can change security settings of PDF files, and add either an "open" password or "owner" password. An advanced 128-bit encryption is used when adding security.
Add security setting as follows:
1. Click the menu "Add" button and select the PDF file you want to modify.
2. Click "Tools > Options" on the menu, then select the Security tab and adjust the security settings
3. Click the menu "Merge" button, then either select the PDF file or enter a new file name (recommended). Then click "Save".
Remove security settings as follows:
1. Click the menu "Add" button and select the PDF file you want to modify.
2. If the file has an "owner" password, then you do not need do anything. If the file has an "open" password, you will be prompted "Need password". Click the menu "Password" button and enter the file password
3. Click "Tools > Options" on the menu, then, select the Security tab and uncheck "Adding security"
4. Click the menu "Merge" button, then either select the PDF file or enter a new file name (recommended). Then click "Save".
Modify Properties of a PDF file using A-PDF Merger
A-PDF Merger can change the properties of any pdf file. You can add/edit the Title, Subject, Author, and Keywords. And handy ‘macro’ buttons make it even simpler. If you just want to change properties of a PDF file, follow these simple steps:
1. Click the menu "Add" button and select the PDF file you want to modify.
2. Click "Tools > Options" on the menu, then add/edit the various properties
3. Click the menu "Merge" button, then either select the PDF file or enter a new file name (recommended). Then click "Save".
Add page numbers to a PDF file using A-PDF Merger
You can add page numbers to your PDF files in a few simple steps:
1. Click the menu "Add" button and select the PDF file you want to modify
2. Click "Tools > Options" on the menu, then select the "Page Numbering" tab
3. Choose the font (standard or ttf), size, position, color, page range and offset etc.
4. Click the menu "Merge" button, then either select the PDF file or enter a new file name (recommended). Then click "Save".
Examples for Merge Method:
Example 1
The pages of a book have been scanned into two pdf files. One contains all the odd-numbered pages; the other contains all the facing even-numbered pages. Merge them into a single, consecutively numbered file by choosing merge method 'mix' for one file, and merge method 'mix reversed' for the other.
Example 2
You want to create a document from four files - a cover, pages, an inserted image (or file) named OnePage.jpg every three pages, and a back cover. With those pdfs ordered in the file list window, choose the following merge methods:
Cover.pdf - merge method 'Whole'
Pages.pdf - merge method 'Mix' and step of 3 pages
OnePage.jpg - merge method 'Repeat'
BackCover.pdf - merge method 'Whole'
Example 3
You want to transform a simple pdf with pages numbered 1,2,3 ... N into a pdf file with each page twice, i.e. the pages in the merged pdf will be 1,1,2,2,3,3 ... N,N. Add the file to the file list window twice and select merge method 'Mix' for each file.