A-PDF Restrictions Remover Command Line
A-PDF Restrictions Remover Command Line(PRCMD) is a windows console utility that removes the password and restrictions of PDF files. PRCMD is a standalone program; it does not need Adobe Acrobat. A trial version for PMCMD is NOT available. If you want to try its functions, please refer to GUI verison.
PRCMD <input file name> [<output file name>] [-P<password>] <input file name>: Specifies encrypted PDF file name. <output file name>: Specifies output PDF file name. If the file name does not be specified, the output file will save to <input file name> -P : Specifies open password if needed. EXAMPLES: Remove restrictions of file c:\pdf\encrypted.pdf PRCMD c:\pdf\encrypted.pdf Remove open password of file c:\pdf\open-password.pdf and save to file c:\pdf\no-password.pdf. The password of file open-password.pdf is "pass123". PRCMD c:\pdf\open-password.pdf c:\pdf\no-password.pdf -Ppass123 RETURN CODE: 0: Remove successful 1: The file has no restrictions 2: Open password error 3: Save file failed 4: Open input file failed 5: Remove failed 6: Reserved 7: Unsupported encrypted method 97: Parameters' wrong 98: Expired 99: Unexpected error
I need to effectively remove the permissions on all pdf files within a set folder and any sub folders, do you know if its possible to do this with this version?
Here is an example of batch searching all pdf files in a particular folder and removing their permissions:
REM ================================================ Set PRCMD="c:\prcmd\prcmd.exe" Set PDFFilter=*.pdf Set PDFDIR=c:\pdfs cd %PDFDIR% for %%1 in (%PDFFilter%)do %PRCMD% "%%1" REM ================================================
See also
- A-PDF Restrictions Remover
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