A-PDF Split Command Line
A-PDF Split Command line (PSCMD) is a Windows console utility that extracts pieces of PDF files based on the page range user selected. PSCMD is a standalone program. It does not need Adobe Acrobat. A trial version for PSCMD is NOT available, but you can download the GUI trial version here.
PSCMD <Source> <Split Method> [<Output Directory> [<Output File>]] [Options] Parameters: <Source> : The PDF file to be split. <Split Method> : How is the file split. There are 4 method, see the below. <Output Directory> : The output directory. If it is blank, will be the current directory. <Output File> : Output file pattern. There are some macro supported. For example, "{basename}.{part:0000}" macro will name your split files from the unsplit filename and add sequential part numbers for each split file. 0000 is a place-holder and can be substituted with your own choice of size and starting part number. An example of this pattern and macro could name split files like "example.0002.pdf". Supported macro includes: {basename}: The unsplit file name without extension name. {part:0..0}: A sequential number from 1. 0...0 is place-holder. For example, you are using {part:0000}, will get 0001, 0002 etc. You can use other place-holder: A..A: The number will be uppercase letter, instead of digit, such as: A, B, C B..B: The number will be lowercase letter. Such as: a,b,c R..R: The number will be uppercase roman letter. Such as: I, II, III M..M: The number will be lowercase roman letter. Such as: i, ii, iii {filecount:0..0}: The count of resultant files. The place-holder is same as above. {pagebegin:0..0}: The output file begin page number in original file. The place-holder is same as above. {pageend:0..0}: The output file end page number in original file. The place-holder is same as above. {pagecount:0..0}: The page count in the file. The place-holder is same as above. {bookmark}: Bookmark item. Only available when using spilt by bookmark. {bookmarkN}: The level N bookmark item. for example: {bookmark1}. {pagerange}: Range of page number. Such as 10,24-32. {revmoverange}: Range of removed page number. Only available when using Remove pages. Such as 10,24-32. {pagelabel}: Page number in source file. {namelist}: A pre-defined name list. The defined name will be a file which specified by option -LN. More detail see option -LN. Split Method -P[N] : Split by every N page. N default is 1 -B[Level] : Split by Bookmark with Level. Level is a number, 1 means the highest level bookmarks. Default is 1. -R<List> : Split by List of ranges. The format is <Range1>#<Range2>#<Range3>... The range formats can be in the style 10,20,24-32,12-31. -M<range> : Remove some pages. The range formats can be in the style 10,20,24-32,12-31. -C<N> : Split to N files. For example, N is 2, then the split files will contain page 1,3,5,7... and page 2,4,6,8... -L<ListFile> : Split by A-PDF Split List file(*.psl), which can be exported by A-PDF Split(GUI version). The format is: <Range1>[|<Output file name 1>] <Range2>[|<Output file name 2>] <Range3>[|<Output file name 3>] ........ If the <Output file name> in list file is blank, the output file pattern will be the <Output file> in parameters. Options: -W<Password> : If the file is protected by open/user password, you must input a password to open it. -F<Page> : Split range from page. Default is 1. -T<Page> : Split range to page. Default is page count. -OP<Settings> : Option for changing the properties. Default is same as orginal file. The <setting> is a quote string, an example is: "TITLE=A good manual for beginner,AUTHOR=Bill". setting syntax: KEY=VALUE, every setting split by comma. Available keys are: TITLE: Special the title of output pdf document. SUBJECT: Special the subject of output pdf document. AUTHOR: Special the author of output pdf document. KEYWORDS: Special the keywords of output pdf document. -OS<settings> : Option for change the security. Default is NO security. The <setting> is a quote string, an example is:"RESTRICTPASSWORD =pASSwOrD096,PRINT=low,FILLFIELDS=Y". setting syntax: KEY=VALUE, every setting split by comma. Available keys are: SAMEASORIGINAL: If the output security setting is same as original file. Values are: Y,N. OPENPASSWORD: Setting the open password. RESTRICTPASSWORD: Setting the restrict(owner) password. PRINT: Setting print allowed. Default is none. Available values are: none, low, high. CHANGE: Changing the document. Values are: Y,N COPY: Content copying or extraction.Values are:Y,N COMMENT: Commenting. Values are: Y,N FILLFIELDS: Filling of form fields. Values are: Y,N COPYACCESS: Content extraction for accessibility. Values are:Y,N ASSEMBLE: Document assembly. Values are: Y,N -H<Y/N> : When splitting using bookmark, if a bookmark do not point to the page top, the page will be in two PDF file splitted. For example, if a bookmark point to page 3, and the next one point to page 5 and height 20, using the switchs: Y, the splitted file will be 3 pages. Page 3-5 N, the splitted file will be 2 pages. Page 3-4 Default is Y. -SEQ<setting> : Option for sequence of macro {part:0..0}. For example, "START=3,INTERVAL=2", then the macro {part:0..0} will create sequential numbers as 3,5,7,8,9 ... Available keys are: START: The start of sequence. Default is 1 INTERVAL: The interval of sequence. Default is 1 -LN<filename> : List of output filename specified. Used only by the macro {namelist}. One name must be per line. Return Code: 0: Split successfully 1: Split failed 2: Parameter is wrong 3: Load source file failed 4: Decrypt failed 5: Extract failed 6: Save destination failed
Version 2.3.1
See also
- A-PDF Split
- A-PDF Merger Command Line
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