PDF to TXT Converter
As we know that PDF file is one of the most stable file format all over the world. And you are not allowed to edit and copy the content of PDF file unless you get the permissions. Then how about extracting content as editable text from PDF file? If your answer is yes, then you should try PDF to TXT Converter (A-PDF Text Extractor). PDF to TXT Converter is a professional PDF tool to extract text content from PDF with ease. Now let's learn more information about PDF to TXT Extractor.
Why PDF to TXT Converter
Free and Easy Import PDF files
PDF to TXT Converter is a user-friendly text converter to extract text content from PDF file in minutes. Anyway it provides an easy way for users to import PDF file. What you need to do is to click "Open" and then select a PDF file from local. And then you are able to customize the output options. By the way, PDF to TXT Converter is totally free to use.
Flexible Customizing Options
After you import PDF file, you can customize the output options before extracting the text. On one hand, you are able to select page range to import, page range to extract text and output page setting as well as Extract Type. It can help you extract the content you want exactly. That's powerful PDF to TXT Converter.
Convert PDF to Text Easily
Once you finish importing and setting, it is time to extract the text of PDF files quickly. Just press "Extract Text" button, select output file name and path and continue. After that, it will remind you once it finishes converting. Finally, open the output text file and check the content which is extracted from PDF file.
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See also
- A-PDF Restrictions Remover
- A-PDF Image Extractor
- A-PDF Merger
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