Can I write code for splitting PDF with results from a VB.NET application?
And here is the code for you to get split result from VB.NET:
Dim PSCmd As String = "c:\PSCMD\PSCMD.exe"
Dim PSCmdArgs As String = "-B """ & g_TempFolder & "SplitOutput\"" {basename}_{part:0000}_{bookmark} -HN"
Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
Dim MyProcess As System.Diagnostics.Process = Nothing
p.FileName = PSCmd
p.Arguments = """" & g_TempFolder & FileName & """ " & PSCmdArgs
p.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
MyProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(p)
'Check the ExitCode - 0 means success
If MyProcess.ExitCode <> 0 Then
Throw New Exception("PSCMD returned code: " & MyProcess.ExitCode & " during PDF Split")
End If
You can view the whole usage about A-PDF Split Command Line in this webpage.
Related products
- A-PDF Merger - Combine two or more image files or Acrobat PDF files into a single PDF document
- A-PDF Content Splitter - Split PDF files based on content
- A-PDF Merger Command Line - A command line tool to combine image and PDF files into one PDF.
- A-PDF Split Command Line - A command line tool to split PDF file into separate pdf files.
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