How to batch split all PDF files in a same folder?
I receive a folder of PDF files every day, and then I need to split them into single page files one by one, is there any simple tool I can use to batch split the files?
You can have a try on A-PDF Split Command Line in the below way:
C:\Files>set SplitCmd="C:\Program Files\A-PDF Split\PdfSplit.exe"
C:\Files>for %%f in (*.pdf) do %SplitCmd% "%%f" -P "C:\output"
Other Usage:
PSCMD [Source] [Split Method] [[Output Directory] [[Output File]]] [Options]
Related products
- A-PDF Merger - Combine two or more image files or Acrobat PDF files into a single PDF document
- A-PDF Split - Split any Acrobat PDF file into separate pdf files base on page, bookmark and more
- A-PDF Merger Command Line - A command line tool to combine image and PDF files into one PDF.
- A-PDF Split Command Line - A command line tool to split PDF file into separate pdf files.
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