How to convert PDF to online flipbook or online flash magazine?
Yes, absolutely. You can use A-PDF Flipbook Maker to convert PDFs to online flipbooks or flash magazines with ease, and then others from every corner of the world can read your page flip publications.
1. Import PDF
After you start the flipbook maker, create a new project and browse a PDF to import. You can also customize other settings such as page range, page quality, bookmark importing and link importing.
2. Customize Publication
In the design interface, choose your favorite template and theme, and DIY the flash magazine with various settings: flash book language, logo, background, color, function buttons, plugin and so on.
3. Publish Online
Now you will like to publish the page flipping edition and upload it online. You can either publish it as local HTML and upload to your website, or use our Upload Online Service to publish it to our Cloud Hosting.
Besides, you can also output the online flipbook or flash magazine as WordPress plug-in, Joomla module or Drupal module and insert it to these popular sites.
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