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How to Print the HTML5 FlipBook Pages?

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Sometimes when you find a novel feature in digital book, you'll regard the book with special respect and quickly attractive by the function instead of content. Content is most important for book, but good feature also is the key factor to judge a digital book. So, let me introduce a wonderful feature (Print pages) with A-PDF Flip Book Maker to catching reader's eyes.


Please see how to add print button in your flipbook as below:

Step1: Create New Project: Run A-PDF Flip Book Maker software, and click "create new" to start a new flipbook project;

Step2: Design Flipbook and add Print button. Design Flipbook with settings panel on the right side of A-PDF Flip Book Maker, find Print button and enable this button (Custom Settings -> Toolbar Settings -> Buttons -> Print Config -> Show)

Step3: Output Flipbook. Click Publish Local or Upload Online to generate flipbook.

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