How can I get the services to recognize the rule that is defined in the Content Splitter?
I have A-PDF Content Splitter Service, also I downloaded the A-PDF Content Splitter and created a rule, however, when I tell the Service to monitor a directory it then asks to define a rule in which one is not there and just asks me to download the PDF-Content Splitter again. How can I get the services to recognize the rule that is defined in the Content Splitter?
While using A-PDF Content Splitter Service Version 2.4.1+ to split files based on content automatically, the program will auto copy rules created by A-PDF Content Splitter Version 4.6.0 to the service rule path:
A-PDF Content Splitter (free download here) rules path:
win7:C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\A-PDF\Content Split\Rules\
xp:C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data
A-PDF Content Splitter Service (free download here)rules path:
win7:C:\ProgramData\A-PDF\Content Split\Rules\
xp:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
When you upgrade your using versions to the mentioned versions, please back up rules to related paths.
Related products
- A-PDF Split - Split any Acrobat PDF file into separate pdf files base on page, bookmark and more
- A-PDF Size Splitter - Split any Acrobat PDF file or group of files into smaller-sized pdf files
- A-PDF Split Command Line - A command line tool to split PDF file into separate pdf files.
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