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How to create flipbook from multiple PDFs in EXE format?

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Would you like to convert many PDF documents into flash flipbook in a short time? Or do you want to view flipbook without installing Adobe Flash?


You can batch convert multiple PDF documents into flash flipbook in minutes. In Batch convert panel, there are also many output formats: html, zip, exe and app. Output flipbook with EXE format, on the one hand, you can install flipbook to any computer, like the common execute program. On the other hand, you can view it easily without Flash.

If you also want to create flipbook from multiple PDFs in EXE format, please download and install A-PDF

Flip Book Maker (free download here) program and then follow below steps.

Step1: Click "Convert->Batch Convert" to open batch convert panel

How to create flipbook from multiple PDFs in EXE format

Step2: Click "How to create flipbook from multiple PDFs in EXE format" to add your PDF documents, adjust its location

Step3: Set its template and theme "How to create flipbook from multiple PDFs in EXE format"

Step4: Choose *.exe output option and save path

How to create flipbook from multiple PDFs in EXE format

Step5: Press "How to create flipbook from multiple PDFs in EXE format" to make execute flipbook

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