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Convert PDF to Page Turning Brochure in minutes

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I visited your website flippagemaker.com and found A-PDF FlipBook Maker is amazing. Can you show me the simple way to make flash flipping book from PDF easily? That would help a lot.


A-PDF FlipBOOK Maker is a powerful page flip converter to convert PDF to page turning magazine with ease. On one hand, only four steps to create page flip magazine successfully; on the other hand, diverse wonderful customizable settings to design the flip brochure. What’s more, flexible publishing formats help you read the flipping book in the most comfortable way. Besides, it supports multi-languages for different people in different countries. Then here we will introduce you the details steps to create flash flipping magazine quickly.

Step1: Import PDF file. Download and run A-PDF FlipBook Maker and then click "Create New" to continue importing PDF to FlipBook. By the way, it also supports Images and Office file.

Step2: Customize Flash Flipping Book. You can customize flipbook with choosing beautiful templates and themes, design setting for flip book and so on.

Step3: Refresh Flip Magazine. Click "Apply Change" to save the change and refresh flipping book in order to make the changes show immediately.

Step4: Publish Page Flip Book. After customizing flipping magazine, then you can click "Publish" to publish flipbook online or to local.

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