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How to embed the flip book into a small window in my webpage?

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After I upload the flip book onto my website, I don't want it to display in full screen all the time, but when someone wants to view it, the small window will zoom to full screen. How to make it workable?


The flip book makers such as A-PDF to Flipbook (free download here) can help you. This software

provides you with "Minime Style" that displays the flip book in a small area without showing toolbar. This is especially helpful when you want to embed the flip book into a small window in the existing webpage.

1. Launch the program and import PDF file;

2. Look up "Minime Style" setting in the left design setting panel;

3. Choose "Yes" to enable Minime Style;

4. Set width and height for the flash window (workable when width and height are less than the defined value);

5. To display the flip book in Minime Style in your webpage all the time, you can add a parameter to your URL like this: www.yourdomain.com/index.html?alwaysMinimeStyle=true.

You can make the flip book display in a small window, and you can enlarge it to full screen by a simple click on the window.

Use Minime Style to hide toolbar

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